Computing rankings in MySQL

Sun Jun 2014

Say we wanted to calculate individual subject rankings and overall rankings for a group of students, given their Math, English and Biology scores. We can accomplish this with a single query if we leverage MySQL's user-defined variables and derived tables. Derived tables are basically subqueries inside a from clause of a SQL statement. User-defined variables allow you to store a value in one statement and access it later in another statement, which makes them perfect for our use case. Let's walk through an example.


Our schema consists of a students table and three other tables to store scores for each subject.

CREATE TABLE students (
  id int auto_increment primary key,
  name varchar(30)
CREATE TABLE english_scores (
  id int auto_increment primary key,
  student_id integer,
  score integer,
  KEY index_english_scores_on_student_id (student_id)
CREATE TABLE math_scores (
  id int auto_increment primary key,
  student_id integer,
  score integer,
  KEY index_math_scores_on_student_id (student_id)
CREATE TABLE biology_scores (
  id int auto_increment primary key,
  student_id integer,
  score integer,
  KEY index_biology_scores_on_student_id (student_id)
CREATE TABLE students (
  id int auto_increment primary key,
  name varchar(30)
CREATE TABLE english_scores (
  id int auto_increment primary key,
  student_id integer,
  score integer,
  KEY index_english_scores_on_student_id (student_id)
CREATE TABLE math_scores (
  id int auto_increment primary key,
  student_id integer,
  score integer,
  KEY index_math_scores_on_student_id (student_id)
CREATE TABLE biology_scores (
  id int auto_increment primary key,
  student_id integer,
  score integer,
  KEY index_biology_scores_on_student_id (student_id)


INSERT INTO students (name)
VALUES ('David'), ('Steve'), ('Bruce'), ('Beck'), ('Jeffrey'), ('Dan');
INSERT INTO english_scores (student_id, score)
VALUES (1, 85), (2, 79), (3, 41), (4, 62), (5, 74), (6, 28);
INSERT INTO math_scores (student_id, score)
VALUES (1, 69), (2, 93), (3, 21), (4, 90), (5, 59), (6, 83);
INSERT INTO biology_scores (student_id, score)
VALUES (1, 87), (2, 49), (3, 72), (4, 45), (5, 38), (6, 99);
INSERT INTO students (name)
VALUES ('David'), ('Steve'), ('Bruce'), ('Beck'), ('Jeffrey'), ('Dan');
INSERT INTO english_scores (student_id, score)
VALUES (1, 85), (2, 79), (3, 41), (4, 62), (5, 74), (6, 28);
INSERT INTO math_scores (student_id, score)
VALUES (1, 69), (2, 93), (3, 21), (4, 90), (5, 59), (6, 83);
INSERT INTO biology_scores (student_id, score)
VALUES (1, 87), (2, 49), (3, 72), (4, 45), (5, 38), (6, 99);

Initial Query

Let's start by selecting the names and scores of the students:

       es.score AS english_score,
       bs.score AS biology_score,
       ms.score AS math_score,
       es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
FROM students s
JOIN english_scores es on es.student_id =
JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =
       es.score AS english_score,
       bs.score AS biology_score,
       ms.score AS math_score,
       es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
FROM students s
JOIN english_scores es on es.student_id =
JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =

Giving us the following results:

| name    | english_score | biology_score | math_score | total_score |
| ------- | ------------- | ------------- | ---------- |------------ |
| David   | 85            | 87            | 69         | 241         |
| Steve   | 79            | 49            | 93         | 221         |
| Bruce   | 41            | 72            | 21         | 134         |
| Beck    | 62            | 45            | 90         | 197         |
| Jeffrey | 74            | 38            | 59         | 171         |
| Dan     | 28            | 99            | 83         | 210         |
| name    | english_score | biology_score | math_score | total_score |
| ------- | ------------- | ------------- | ---------- |------------ |
| David   | 85            | 87            | 69         | 241         |
| Steve   | 79            | 49            | 93         | 221         |
| Bruce   | 41            | 72            | 21         | 134         |
| Beck    | 62            | 45            | 90         | 197         |
| Jeffrey | 74            | 38            | 59         | 171         |
| Dan     | 28            | 99            | 83         | 210         |

Key Steps

First, we order the results of our initial query by descending math score and select the results into a derived table data_ordered_by_math_score. Next, we initialize our user-defined variable, @math_rank, by selecting it into a derived table, math_rank_derived_table, and setting its value to zero. Finally, we select every record in data_ordered_by_math_score and increment the value of @math_rank for each row returned by the statement.

SELECT data_ordered_by_math_score.*, @math_rank := @math_rank + 1 AS math_rank
  (SELECT @math_rank := 0) AS math_rank_derived_table,
          es.score AS english_score,
          bs.score AS biology_score,
          ms.score AS math_score,
          es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
   FROM students s
   JOIN english_scores es on es.student_id =
   JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
   JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =
   ORDER BY math_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_math_score
SELECT data_ordered_by_math_score.*, @math_rank := @math_rank + 1 AS math_rank
  (SELECT @math_rank := 0) AS math_rank_derived_table,
          es.score AS english_score,
          bs.score AS biology_score,
          ms.score AS math_score,
          es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
   FROM students s
   JOIN english_scores es on es.student_id =
   JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
   JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =
   ORDER BY math_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_math_score


Here are the results with math rank:

| name    | english_score | biology_score | math_score | total_score | math_rank |
| ------- | ------------- | ------------- | ---------- | ----------- | --------- |
| Steve   | 79            | 49            | 93         | 22          | 1         |
| Beck    | 62            | 45            | 90         | 19          | 2         |
| Dan     | 28            | 99            | 83         | 21          | 3         |
| David   | 85            | 87            | 69         | 24          | 4         |
| Jeffrey | 74            | 38            | 59         | 17          | 5         |
| Bruce   | 41            | 72            | 21         | 13          | 6         |
| name    | english_score | biology_score | math_score | total_score | math_rank |
| ------- | ------------- | ------------- | ---------- | ----------- | --------- |
| Steve   | 79            | 49            | 93         | 22          | 1         |
| Beck    | 62            | 45            | 90         | 19          | 2         |
| Dan     | 28            | 99            | 83         | 21          | 3         |
| David   | 85            | 87            | 69         | 24          | 4         |
| Jeffrey | 74            | 38            | 59         | 17          | 5         |
| Bruce   | 41            | 72            | 21         | 13          | 6         |

The next step is to order the results of the above query by english_score and compute @english_rank just like we did with @math_rank.

SELECT data_ordered_by_english_score.*, @english_rank := @english_rank + 1 AS english_rank
  (SELECT @english_rank := 0) AS english_rank_derived_table,
  (SELECT data_ordered_by_math_score.*, @math_rank := @math_rank + 1 AS math_rank
     (SELECT @math_rank := 0) AS math_rank_derived_table,
             es.score AS english_score,
             bs.score AS biology_score,
             ms.score AS math_score,
             es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
      FROM students s
      JOIN english_scores es ON es.student_id =
      JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
      JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =
      ORDER BY math_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_math_score) AS data_ordered_by_english_score
ORDER BY english_score DESC
SELECT data_ordered_by_english_score.*, @english_rank := @english_rank + 1 AS english_rank
  (SELECT @english_rank := 0) AS english_rank_derived_table,
  (SELECT data_ordered_by_math_score.*, @math_rank := @math_rank + 1 AS math_rank
     (SELECT @math_rank := 0) AS math_rank_derived_table,
             es.score AS english_score,
             bs.score AS biology_score,
             ms.score AS math_score,
             es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
      FROM students s
      JOIN english_scores es ON es.student_id =
      JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
      JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =
      ORDER BY math_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_math_score) AS data_ordered_by_english_score
ORDER BY english_score DESC

Results with math and english rank:

| name    | english_score | biology_score | math_score | total_score | math_rank | english_rank |
| ------- | ------------- | ------------- | ---------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------ |
| David   | 85            |  87           |  69        |  241        | 4         | 1            |
| Steve   | 79            |  49           |  90        |  218        | 1         | 2            |
| Jeffrey | 74            |  38           |  59        |  171        | 5         | 3            |
| Beck    | 62            |  45           |  90        |  197        | 2         | 4            |
| Bruce   | 41            |  72           |  21        |  134        | 6         | 5            |
| Dan     | 28            |  99           |  83        |  210        | 3         | 6            |
| name    | english_score | biology_score | math_score | total_score | math_rank | english_rank |
| ------- | ------------- | ------------- | ---------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------ |
| David   | 85            |  87           |  69        |  241        | 4         | 1            |
| Steve   | 79            |  49           |  90        |  218        | 1         | 2            |
| Jeffrey | 74            |  38           |  59        |  171        | 5         | 3            |
| Beck    | 62            |  45           |  90        |  197        | 2         | 4            |
| Bruce   | 41            |  72           |  21        |  134        | 6         | 5            |
| Dan     | 28            |  99           |  83        |  210        | 3         | 6            |

Following the same pattern we add biology rank to the query:

SELECT data_ordered_by_biology_score.*, @biology_rank := @biology_rank + 1 AS biology_rank
  (SELECT @biology_rank := 0) AS biology_rank_derived_table,
  (SELECT data_ordered_by_english_score.*, @english_rank := @english_rank + 1 AS english_rank
     (SELECT @english_rank := 0) AS english_rank_derived_table,
     (SELECT data_ordered_by_math_score.*, @math_rank := @math_rank + 1 AS math_rank
        (SELECT @math_rank := 0) AS math_rank_derived_table,
                es.score AS english_score,
                bs.score AS biology_score,
                ms.score AS math_score,
                es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
         FROM students s
         JOIN english_scores es ON es.student_id =
         JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
         JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =
         ORDER BY math_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_math_score) AS data_ordered_by_english_score
   ORDER BY english_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_biology_score
ORDER BY biology_score DESC
SELECT data_ordered_by_biology_score.*, @biology_rank := @biology_rank + 1 AS biology_rank
  (SELECT @biology_rank := 0) AS biology_rank_derived_table,
  (SELECT data_ordered_by_english_score.*, @english_rank := @english_rank + 1 AS english_rank
     (SELECT @english_rank := 0) AS english_rank_derived_table,
     (SELECT data_ordered_by_math_score.*, @math_rank := @math_rank + 1 AS math_rank
        (SELECT @math_rank := 0) AS math_rank_derived_table,
                es.score AS english_score,
                bs.score AS biology_score,
                ms.score AS math_score,
                es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
         FROM students s
         JOIN english_scores es ON es.student_id =
         JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
         JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =
         ORDER BY math_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_math_score) AS data_ordered_by_english_score
   ORDER BY english_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_biology_score
ORDER BY biology_score DESC

Results with math, english and biology ranks:

| name    | english_score | biology_score | math_score | total_score | math_rank | english_rank | biology_rank |
| ------- | ------------- | ------------- | ---------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------ |
| Dan     | 28            | 99            | 83         | 210         | 3         | 6            | 1            |
| David   | 85            | 87            | 69         | 241         | 4         | 1            | 2            |
| Bruce   | 41            | 72            | 21         | 134         | 6         | 5            | 3            |
| Steve   | 79            | 49            | 90         | 218         | 2         | 2            | 4            |
| Beck    | 62            | 45            | 90         | 197         | 1         | 4            | 5            |
| Jeffrey | 74            | 38            | 59         | 171         | 5         | 3            | 6            |
| name    | english_score | biology_score | math_score | total_score | math_rank | english_rank | biology_rank |
| ------- | ------------- | ------------- | ---------- | ----------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------ |
| Dan     | 28            | 99            | 83         | 210         | 3         | 6            | 1            |
| David   | 85            | 87            | 69         | 241         | 4         | 1            | 2            |
| Bruce   | 41            | 72            | 21         | 134         | 6         | 5            | 3            |
| Steve   | 79            | 49            | 90         | 218         | 2         | 2            | 4            |
| Beck    | 62            | 45            | 90         | 197         | 1         | 4            | 5            |
| Jeffrey | 74            | 38            | 59         | 171         | 5         | 3            | 6            |

And that's it! We can follow the same pattern to grab the overall rank, (just order by the total score) and add a new user-defined variable.

You may have noticed that the query above doesn't account for ties. For example, Steve and Beck both have a math score of 90, yet Beck has the higher math rank. We can solve this by modifying the part of the query that updates the user-defined variable from this:

SELECT @math_rank := @math_rank + 1 AS math_rank
SELECT @math_rank := @math_rank + 1 AS math_rank

to this:

SELECT (@increment_math_rank := IF(@current_math_score = math_score, 0, 1)) AS increment_math_rank,
       (@current_math_score := math_score) AS current_math_score_derived_table,
       (@math_rank := IF(@increment_math_rank = 1, @math_rank + 1, @math_rank)) AS math_rank
SELECT (@increment_math_rank := IF(@current_math_score = math_score, 0, 1)) AS increment_math_rank,
       (@current_math_score := math_score) AS current_math_score_derived_table,
       (@math_rank := IF(@increment_math_rank = 1, @math_rank + 1, @math_rank)) AS math_rank

Basically we create two more user-defined variables, one to track the current math score and another to track whether we need to increment the math rank (i.e the current math score is higher then the previous one). As you can see, it gets ugly fast. The final query, only accounting for ties in the math score, looks like this:

SELECT english_score,
       @overall_rank := @overall_rank + 1 AS overall_rank
  (SELECT @overall_rank := 0) AS overall_rank_derived_table,
  (SELECT data_ordered_by_biology_score.*, @biology_rank := @biology_rank + 1 AS biology_rank
     (SELECT @biology_rank := 0) AS biology_rank_derived_table,
     (SELECT data_ordered_by_english_score.*, @english_rank := @english_rank + 1 AS english_rank
        (SELECT @english_rank := 0) AS english_rank_derived_table,
        (SELECT data_ordered_by_math_score.*,
                (@increment_math_rank := IF(@current_math_score <> math_score, 1, 0)) AS increment_math_rank,
                (@current_math_score := math_score) AS math_score_derived_table,
                (@math_rank := IF(@increment_math_rank = 1, @math_rank + 1, @math_rank)) AS math_rank
           (SELECT @math_rank := 0) AS math_rank_derived_table,
                   es.score AS english_score,
                   bs.score AS biology_score,
                   ms.score AS math_score,
                   es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
            FROM students s
            JOIN english_scores es ON es.student_id =
            JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
            JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =
            ORDER BY math_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_math_score) AS data_ordered_by_english_score
      ORDER BY english_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_biology_score
   ORDER BY biology_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_overall_score
SELECT english_score,
       @overall_rank := @overall_rank + 1 AS overall_rank
  (SELECT @overall_rank := 0) AS overall_rank_derived_table,
  (SELECT data_ordered_by_biology_score.*, @biology_rank := @biology_rank + 1 AS biology_rank
     (SELECT @biology_rank := 0) AS biology_rank_derived_table,
     (SELECT data_ordered_by_english_score.*, @english_rank := @english_rank + 1 AS english_rank
        (SELECT @english_rank := 0) AS english_rank_derived_table,
        (SELECT data_ordered_by_math_score.*,
                (@increment_math_rank := IF(@current_math_score <> math_score, 1, 0)) AS increment_math_rank,
                (@current_math_score := math_score) AS math_score_derived_table,
                (@math_rank := IF(@increment_math_rank = 1, @math_rank + 1, @math_rank)) AS math_rank
           (SELECT @math_rank := 0) AS math_rank_derived_table,
                   es.score AS english_score,
                   bs.score AS biology_score,
                   ms.score AS math_score,
                   es.score + bs.score + ms.score AS total_score
            FROM students s
            JOIN english_scores es ON es.student_id =
            JOIN math_scores ms ON ms.student_id =
            JOIN biology_scores bs ON bs.student_id =
            ORDER BY math_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_math_score) AS data_ordered_by_english_score
      ORDER BY english_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_biology_score
   ORDER BY biology_score DESC) AS data_ordered_by_overall_score

The only difference in the results is that now the math ranks are:

1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

instead of:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

I've put an SQL Fiddle of this code here. If there are better alternatives to this approach, please leave me a note, I would love to hear them!